Care, Grooming

How to Get Pomeranian Hair to Grow Back – After Excessive Shedding


by James Bennett


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It’s no secret that Pomeranians are among the most high-maintenance dog breeds. Between their need for constant grooming and susceptibility to health problems, Pom owners have their work cut out for them.

One issue, in particular, that seems to plague Pomeranian parents is hair loss. Seeing your pup lose its fur can be heartbreaking, whether it’s due to excessive shedding or other medical conditions.

If you’re looking for ways to help your Pomeranian regrow its lost hair, we’ve got some tips and tricks! Read on to learn how to get Pomeranian hair growing back strong and healthy in no time flat.

Science Behind Growing Hair Back

Many people don’t realize that undercoat hair grows much slower than the outer coat. If this happens, your dog will only have bits of his undercoat and the short hair on his head and legs. 

Further, your dog’s hair growth may slow or stop as he ages. That’s why most veterans advise not to trim the undercoats of older Pomeranians unless it is for a medical reason. 

Your dog may be shedding more than usual for a variety of reasons. It could be seasonal allergies, a reaction to a new food or medication, or even stress. Whatever the reason, ensuring your dog is comfortable and not in pain is important. Here are 10 steps to help your dog’s hair grow back.

Top coat and undercoat

#1 Try a Medicated Shampoo

If your Pomeranian is having trouble with shedding, try using a medicated shampoo. These shampoos usually have ingredients like ketoconazole or salicylic acid, which can help reduce shedding. You can find them at most pet stores or online.

medicated shampoo for pomeranian hair loss

While there’s no guarantee that a medicated shampoo will completely stop your dog from shedding, it’s worth giving it a shot. Choosing one that works for your pup could significantly reduce hair loss.

It’s important to understand that not all medical shampoos are created equal. You’ll want to look for one specifically targeting double-coated dogs, as their coats can be more difficult to manage. These shampoos generally contain ingredients like fatty acids and vitamins that can nourish the skin and coat. They may also include anti-inflammatory agents or other medications to treat specific conditions (like allergies).

It’s always best to consult with your veterinarian before using any new products on your pet, but medical shampoos are generally safe when used as directed. Be sure to follow the instructions carefully – usually, you’ll want to leave the shampoo on for several minutes before rinsing it off completely.

#2 Brush your Pomeranian Regularly

brushing a Pomeranian using a comb

If you want your Pomeranian’s fur to grow back, you need to brush them regularly! It will help get rid of any dead hair and encourage new growth.

Investing in a good quality brush is key to reducing shedding and keeping your Pomeranian’s coat healthy and looking its best. Look for a brush specifically designed to reduce shedding, with softer bristles that are more gentle on the coat.

When it comes to brushes, there are two main types: bristle and slicker. Bristle brushes are great for removing dirt and debris from the coat, while slicker brushes help to remove dead hair and promote the growth of new hair follicles.

No matter which brush you use, always be gentle with your dog – especially around areas prone to matting.

#3 Give your Pomeranian Omega-3 Supplements

Omega 3 Supplement for Pomeranians

If your dog is losing hair due to allergies, giving them supplements with omega-3 fatty acids could help. It will reduce inflammation and make their skin and coat healthier.

Your dog’s coat is its natural defense against the elements. But when they’re constantly scratching due to allergies, that barrier gets weaker, and hair starts falling out.

Omega-3 fatty acids are anti-inflammatories that will help reduce your dog’s itching and make their coat stronger.

#4 Use a Humidifier

Dry air can make your dog’s fur fall out. Using a humidifier can help add moisture to the air, and that can help improve the condition of your Pomeranian’s coat. It may even help grow back some of their hair if they’ve been shedding a lot lately.

#5 Switch to a Hypoallergenic Diet

Hypoallergenic Diet for Pomeranians

Pomeranians can be allergic to pollen, mold, dust mites, and certain foods. If your dog is constantly scratching or has tummy troubles, it might be time to consider switching them to a hypoallergenic diet.

A hypoallergenic diet is designed to reduce allergens. It means that your Pomeranian will be less likely to have an allergic reaction and shed less. You can find hypoallergenic dog food at your local pet store.

Now, I know what you’re thinking – my pup will never eat that boring stuff! But trust me when I say that the benefits of a hypoallergenic diet are worth the switch. Not only will it help with their allergies, but it will also improve their digestion and overall health. So if you’re ready to make the change for your Pom, here are a few tips on how to do it:

  1. Start by slowly introducing the new food into their diet. Mix it in with their regular food at first, so they get used to the taste and texture.
  2. Don’t give up if they seem hesitant at first – remember that this isn’t just about them being picky eaters; we want them to benefit from this dietary change!
  3. Talk to your vet about which type of hypoallergenic food would work best for your dog based on their specific needs.


If your Pomeranian is shedding excessively, don’t despair! You can help them regrow their lost hair with a little time and effort. Try using a medicated shampoo, brushing regularly, and giving them supplements with omega-3 fatty acids to reduce inflammation. You may even consider switching to a hypoallergenic diet if allergies cause their shedding.

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